FOX605 ensures reliable data transmission of mission-critical information under any network circumstance. In operational networks any intrusion or unauthorized access could influence the performance of the complete network, therefore special measures for protection are required. The End2End data encryption and authentication functionalities of FOX605 guarantee that mission-critical information is protected.
Migrating mission-critical services (e.g. teleprotection) to packet-switched networks while keeping existing infrastructure untouched is supported by MPLS-TP which, in contrast to other packet-switched technologies like IP/MPLS, takes care of bidirectional paths and predictable data traffic, thus guaranteeing the required performance of critical applications.
The performance and reliability of the communication network are significantly increased by time and phase synchronization through the WAN using SyncE and IEEE1588v2 (PTP). With real-time distribution from a central master clock to all connected devices in the network FOX605 provides visibility and control of all activities in the network. With MPLS-TP reliable and dependable data traffic under any network circumstance can also be guaranteed in packet-switched networks. Integrated traffic generator and analytical functionalities allow seamless performance monitoring according RFC2544 and Y.1564.
- Cost-efficient solution with a comprehensive feature set ideal for the first mile and access applications
- Stepwise introduction of Ethernet/MPLS-TP based applications in operational networks
- Secured data traffic in packet-switched networks
- Reliable data transport under any network circumstance
- Time and phase synchronization through the WAN
- Utility-grade design with fanless operation for deployment in harsh environments
- Fully interoperable with FOX family
- Long life cycle availability and ease of upgradeability